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TEC and children's football: When reality is stranger than fiction

Foto del escritor: khelios kinesiologíakhelios kinesiología

There is a famous and interesting movie from 2015 called Concussion starring Will Smith (if you haven't seen it, watch it). It portrays the struggle of a doctor to show how head-cranial injuries in American football players left irreversible sequelae and, until then, unsuspected. In Chile, we don't have great American football fans, but we are football fans of our teams, and above all of our national team. Is there any danger for our children in soccer practice? The answer may not be to your liking. As of 2015, there are new regulations issued by the American Football Federation (soccer in the USA), which prohibit heading balls to children under 10 years of age, due to the risk of associated repetitive traumatic brain injury. In addition, the number of headings in training sessions for children up to 13 years of age is limited due to evidence of neurophysiological changes in the brain after repetitive hits. If this happens at the level of children, what about adult players who practice professionally? Will FIFA admit that headers can cause brain damage? The implications are huge, firstly because of the slow reaction time to these practices. In addition, due to the legal implications of the possibility of being able to develop an occupational disease. Are we facing a future/current occupational disease? Reference: US SOCCER CONCUSSION GUIDELINES

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